প্রার্থনায় পরিত্রাণ সাধনায় মুক্তি  প্রেমেতে মিলন

Hazrat Syed Shah Sufi Khawaja Abul Hasan Chishty Quadry Biabani Rehmatullahi Alaihi (1920 – 1986 CE) also known as Shah Hasan Chishty was an Imam and Spiritual Father of Chistia Hasania Silsila. He was an Islamic scholar and also a philosopher. He established a holy shrine in the name of “Khanka-e-Hasania” Darbar Sharif at Tarerpukur, situated at the center of Khulna city in the district of Khulna of Bangladesh, where he used to teach his disciples regarding the religion, the “Pure Islam”. Particularly, he taught the inner conception of the endless spiritualism, theosophy and his philosophy to his disciples. Hasan Chishty (R) wrote 733 Gazals in Bengali, Urdu & Hindi languages, where he also used Persian and Arabic languages. He also authored several spiritual books like “Rooh” (The Soul), “Mazhab-e-Sufi” (The Characteristics of Sufi), “Dhormer Nihita Tatther Sandhane” (In search of hidden truth of religion), “Ami Ke” (Who I Am), “Juger Dhormo O Manobota” (Periodical Religion & Humanity), “Addhyattic Totto-Kotha” (The theory of Spiritualism) etc. to preach the Sufism. But, except his disciples, most of the people didn’t know what a great Waliullah he was.